
A Day to Remember (part 2)

same as 80th Birthday Wishes - Family and Armenian History - the Future - RR271A2


Album Cover

Professor: Dr. R.J. Rushdoony

Subject: Conversations, Panels, and Sermons

Lesson: 2-2

Genre: Talk

Track: 2

Dictation Name: Tape 02



[Audience Leader] I want to thank you all for coming back; it is a little hard to start this without the guest of honor, the birthday boy, so we are delaying for a moment, he has been using up ink at an astronomical rate signing books.

By way of announcements and a little pitch here, a little plug, I don’t mind plugging Calvin and Bancroft, you’ll see Mr. Lofton and his table, he has Calvin’s Institutes and Bancroft’s American History on CD-rom which is quite a tool for some of you.

Ah, the birthday boy is back, we can start here. I want to thank very heartily everyone who has helped with this, and specifically at this time the Wagners, which I don’t know if I see them right at this very second. His whole family, Gary’s entire family has been instrumental- he is hiding over here? Okay, there he is. Wagners, would you please stand up? These people need to know where the calories in that cake came from. (applause) They’ve really put a tremendous amount of work into this, and we appreciate it very much.

And just by way of thanks, it has occurred to me that some of the major contributors to Chalcedon over the years, true friends of Chalcedon are in this room, or you are at the very least friends of friends of Chalcedon, for a long time, a long haul; and in a very special way you are taking part in this birthday, because- not that he wouldn’t have made it to 80 years old, but God has used you as surely as He used R.J. Rushdoony to create this incredible legacy that we are celebrating.