Our Threatened Freedom

Is Our Federal Bureaucracy Out of Control

Album Cover

Professor: Dr. R.J. Rushdoony

Subject: Political Studies

Lesson: 168-169

Genre: Conversation

Track: 168

Dictation Name: Vol. M - Part 12 - Is Our Federal Bureaucracy Out of Control

Location/Venue: Unknown

Year: 1980’s – 1990’s

[Dr. Rushdoony] Is our Federal bureaucracy out of control? This is R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.

Recently, U.S. News and World Report carried an article entitled, ‘Washington’s Red Tape Just Keeps Rolling Out’. The article called attention to several important facts.

First, the federal government often loses our records, papers and tax returns. We are not forgiven any delay in filing papers and tax returns, but the federal government can delay indefinitely in providing us with data we need, or our tax refund, without any penalty whatsoever. This is a one sided relationship which leads to arrogance and corruption.

Second, federal regulations, tax forms and instructions are written in an unintelligible gobbledy-gook. We have in the U.S. today thirty million illiterates, and almost thirty million more who are functionally illiterate. If Ph.D.’s have trouble understanding many of the federal regulations, laws and instructions, how can the rest of the people understand them?

Third, the paperwork is continually increased. I received a form from one department which asked for voluntary compliance with no penalties for failing to return it. As an agreeable man, I filled it out and returned it; as a result, I was sent a second and longer form, with a letter telling me of the penalties for failing to comply. One way to get clobbered by Washington it seems is to be an agreeable and willing citizen.

Fourth, we can add that much, if not most, of this paperwork is useless, and it does nothing except to spend the taxpayers money on useless projects. Useless information is not information, but disinformation. It has a negative and harmful role.

As long as the bureaucracy is not trimmed, the people are. We pay the high price of misgovernment and overregulation.

As a result, inefficiency and corruption are increasing, because the federal bureaucracy is too big to control, except by some dramatic and ruthless cutting. At present there is no such cutting or axing in sight. In fact, bureaucracy is our major growth industry. Every administration for decades has promised a cutback, while increasing the power and scope of the bureaucracy. We are less and less governed by our elected officials, and more and more by bureaucracies. We are increasingly getting a kind of government which cannot be called either a republic or a democracy, but only a bureaucratic oligarchy.

As this new regime develops, freedom wanes.

This has been R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.