Our Threatened Freedom

Are We Afraid of Words

Album Cover

Professor: Dr. R.J. Rushdoony

Subject: Political Studies

Lesson: 161-169

Genre: Conversation

Track: 161

Dictation Name: Vol. M - Part 05 - Are We Afraid of Words

Location/Venue: Unknown

Year: 1980’s – 1990’s

[Dr. Rushdoony] Are we afraid of words? This is R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.

One of our growing problems is our fear of words, of name-calling. All too many minority groups do outrageous things, and if criticized cry racism. The same is true of many non-minority groups, they perpetrate all kinds of nonsense and evil, and when caught at it, charge their critics with being against the people.

For example, in 1971, 60 radicals demanded certain things of the federal government, in the name of Indian rights. They received 643 acres of federal lands with buildings, to set up a supposed university. The school established, D.Q.U, has never met any of the necessary elementary educational requirements. It has received at least 7 million dollars in federal grants. Its chancellor has been Dennis Banks of the ultra-leftist American Rights movement, and D.Q.U has been allied with Marxist groups. Federal requirements which were a part of the original grant of land and funds have never been met. Accreditation was required, and has not been attained, not minimum student enrolment. The original 1971 agreement required the return of the property if the terms were not met. Not only has D.Q.U failed to meet the terms, it has failed to maintain the property, and it has leased out the land illegally. Inspite of all this, the people of D.Q.U are making all kinds of charges against the federal government, and are accusing it of attacking an American Indian and Chicano project. To make matters worse, D.Q.U is suing the federal government with the aid of the Native American Rights fund, a national support center of the federally funded legal service corporation. As research director Michelle M. Rosse{?} noted in ‘Eye on Bureaucracy’, and I quote, “The US government is essentially financing a lawsuit against itself, in that N.A.R.F, the Native American Rights Fund received approximately 205,000 dollars in 1982.” Unquote. In other words, we finance this nonsense and now we are financing both the attempt to dissolve it, and to preserve it. Everyone gets consideration except the taxpayer.

Moreover, all such groups need to do to gain major media coverage, is to charge bigotry and racism. It is time to stop fearing names and words, before freedom is destroyed by our timidity and negligence.

This has been R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.