Our Threatened Freedom

Has the Alaskan Pipeline Been a Disaster

Album Cover

Professor: Dr. R.J. Rushdoony

Subject: Political Studies

Lesson: 136-169

Genre: Conversation

Track: 136

Dictation Name: Vol. K - Part 06 - Has the Alaskan Pipeline Been a Disaster

Location/Venue: Unknown

Year: 1980’s – 1990’s

[Dr. Rushdoony] Has the Alaskan pipeline been a disaster? This is R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.

During the past decade, we were deluged with propaganda concerning the Alaskan pipeline, and the danger it would do to the environment. The ecological extremists gave us one horror story after another about the pipeline and its supposed impact. While the work was being completed, one man working on the pipeline sent me pictures of caribou grazing under the pipeline and bears prowling around, altogether oblivious to its existence.

Now 5 years after the completion of the Alaskan pipeline, it is obvious that no environmental damage occurred. The economic benefits to Alaska have been very great, and the United States as a whole now gets 17% of its oil from Alaska. This means that the pipeline has been a major benefit to our economy, as well as to our potential national defense.

The sad part of this whole episode is that the environmentalists in the process did only harm to the cause of conservation. By their extremism they made their case look ridiculous, and conservation is a serious matter, requiring judicious and careful defense.

Since the conclusion of the pipeline, we have seen the same extremism applied to every project suggested by Secretary Watts. I’m not interested in defending Mr. Watts, but in promoting sane policies of conservation. When Watts opens his mouth, the result from the critics is a chorus of hysterical criticism, before any real examination of the Watt’s proposals have been made. I for one believe that every proposal by Watts and any other bureaucrat should be subjected to a careful analysis and critique. The general welfare requires that such a searching and critical evaluation be made.

For our environmental extremists to blast a proposal before the facts concerning it are released does no service to the cause of conservation. Conservation is an issue of importance to all of us. It is tragic that in the past decade extremists have made themselves spokesmen for an old and respected cause and movement. In so doing, they are risking the discrediting of their cause. Neither conservation nor the causes of freedom are served by reckless and extravagant claims and charges. We need a return to a more responsible conservationism.

This has been R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.