Our Threatened Freedom

Who is our Number One Ally

Album Cover

Professor: Dr. R.J. Rushdoony

Subject: Political Studies

Lesson: 79-169

Genre: Conversation

Track: 079

Dictation Name: Vol. G - Part 01 - Who is our Number One Ally

Location/Venue: Unknown

Year: 1980’s – 1990’s

[Dr. Rushdoony] Who is our number one ally? This is R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.

Recently a Congressman called attention to some startling statistics about our foreign aid to the Soviet Union. From1946 through 1974, the United States provided, in direct foreign aid and assistance, the Soviet Union one billion thirty-three million four hundred thousand dollars. In addition, there was nearly twelve million dollars given through the so-called {?} program. The total aid in various forms to the Soviet Union was placed somewhere between thirty and forty billion dollars.

Now it would be interesting how much is currently is going to the Soviet Union while social security here is near bankruptcy. And another federal deficit is in prospect.

But there is another urgent question. The number one beneficiary of American aid in this century has been the Soviet Union. Now it makes good sense sometimes to help your friends and allies, but not if they are going to be permanent spongers off of us. Since we have helped the Soviet Union far more than any other nation, it would be logical to assume, or conclude, America’s best friend is the Soviet Union. Strangely enough, those good people in Washington, who so thoughtfully relieve us of all our unwanted money, tell us also that we must rearm to protect ourselves from a nuclear holocaust at the hands of the Soviet Union.

As a result, we have an ever increasing demand for military hardware to protect us from the Soviet Union. Now, if the Soviet Union is our number one ally and friend, and as such is receiving our highest financial support, why arm ourselves against them? If on the other hand, the Soviet Union does plan our overthrow, why make them our number one beneficiary?

Perhaps raising such a question is a bit simple minded, perhaps there are some profound reasons for what is going on. On the other hand, it could very well be as crazy as it sounds.

Freedom is imperiled and destroyed in more ways than one. If I begin to act irrationally or foolishly, I can get myself into legal and financial troubles, and I can thereby limit or destroy my freedom. This is no less true of nations.

As a people we are, today, in an economic crisis, and most of us are finding it increasingly more difficult to keep our heads above water. Taxes are more than a burden, they have become painful. As a people we would appreciate it if the Federal Government were less friendly to our enemies and more friendly to us. Most of us do not see the Soviet Union as a friend, and increasingly more and more of us do not see the U.S. Federal Government as a friend, but as a threat to our freedom. Isn’t it time that the U.S. government treated the American people as its number one ally?

This has been R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.