Our Threatened Freedom

Is it Safe to Rely on the Law

Album Cover

Professor: Dr. R.J. Rushdoony

Subject: Political Studies

Lesson: 73-169

Genre: Conversation

Track: 073

Dictation Name: Vol. F - Part 08- Is it Safe to Rely on the Law

Location/Venue: Unknown

Year: 1980’s – 1990’s

[Dr. Rushdoony] Is it safe to rely on the law? This is R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.

In this age of overprotection, we have laws and regulations to protect us from every kind of problem, and from fraud. How good are these laws and codes?

Someone I know had a house built, a very superior one in design and planning. He moved into it happily, only to encounter some problems. Some minor, and some not so minor. One serious problem was the fireplace, which began to leave the house.

Now the house had been built according to code and had been inspected and met all specifications. In such a situation, what do you do? The building apartment of the county said it was a matter between himself and the masonry firm. The mason had gone out of business, but it was also back in business under another name, so the original contracting firm was now nonexistent. As a result, my friend had to pay for the redoing of a job built according to code, supposedly, and approved. The building code gave him no protection when he needed it.

Another friend moved into a newly built house and after the first heavy storm, the builder was back to crawl through the attic to check on the roof to examine things under the house, and then to make a minor change or two to insure doubly that no problem would ensue. My friend was protected, not by the code, but by the contractor.

The difference in the two cases was character. The building code was in both cases the same. No building code, however good, can replace character.

In our day we rely too much on laws and building codes to protect us, and too little on character. As a result, we are more easily exploited by unscrupulous men. No code can be framed which a crooked man will not twist, exploit or corrupt. By placing our confidence on laws and codes, we are asking for trouble. We are forgetting to that the soundest basis for a sound economy and a trustworthy job is character.

I passed a proposed subdivision recently; the builder behind it has left dissatisfaction everywhere, as well as threats of lawsuits. When ready, this new subdivision will not lack buyers, if the economy improves. The location is beautiful, and everyone knows that the building code in that city is a strict one. The net result is that the most important single consideration of all is overlooked; the character of the builder. After all, who nowadays doubts the character of a successful man whose sales offices are plush and beguiling places? Who needs character references when he smells of success?

This has been R.J. Rushdoony with a report on our threatened freedom.